In the world of software and computer automation, our lives have never been easier than they are now. Algorithms are specifically designed to understand your personal preferences, code is implemented to gauge your media consumption and web applications make ordering food take less than a few seconds — what more could we ask for?


Although many of us see these technologies as a harmless way to predict which Netflix specials to watch next, the rabbit hole goes much deeper. What about when these technologies are used to probe into the biological workings of our body to diagnose disease and areas of concern?

Are we comfortable with knowing that our genetic components are being collected, monitored and examined around the clock? What will health insurance look like when the companies have access to your biological data and even your DNA profile? Is society willing to trade all of their personal interests, shopping statistics, conversations and browsing history so marketing agencies can sell us customized stuff we most likely do not have a need for?

Major platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Snapchat and a plethora of other social-media companies already do this with their customer data.

HOW MUCH WE SHARE Preparing today's children for tomorrow.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming an ever-increasing phenomenon that encapsulates many of our online interactions with both the economic marketplace and the friends that we share memories and laughs with; but has it gone too far?

Are we slowly seeing the ramifications of putting technology at the forefront of our endeavors and trading our hard-earned privacy for comfort and convenience?


In the wake of the advancements we strive to create in the world of software and automation, the topic of the working-class citizen is put on the back burner and traded for APIs and the speed in which we can get into the market.

What about the individual, or family, that works a manual-labor job just to provide an income for their loved ones? According to recent statistics that broke down the intricate details of the blue-collar force within the United States, nearly two-thirds of the population qualifies as “working class.”

When we look at these numbers and try to extract what the future holds, something becomes alarmingly clear: these people will suffer going into the future.

“Will blue-collar workers need to hang up their hats?”


The current political atmosphere breathes fire into these fears with more of our emphasis being placed on capitalism and finding ways to cut back on overhead costs.

An interesting piece released by the University of Oxford dove into this topic to understand just how many jobs were at risk of being rendered irrelevant with the implementation of robots and intelligent AI design.

According to their research, upwards of 47% of the job market will feel the pressure from outside technology that could remove their hold within their respective marketplaces.


But with these points laid out on the table, who is, generally speaking, at most risk of potentially losing their job? According to a leading expert in the field — the late John Maynard Keynes — the pace in which our technological breakthroughs occur can be directly related to the amount of jobs that are at risk. In simple terms, the better our artificial intelligence becomes at performing monotonous tasks, the more our future jobs will be at stake.
CANNED JOBS2 Preparing today's children for tomorrow.
Individuals that work in settings that require repetitive, non-critical work will be at the highest risk of being outsourced to machines and smart algorithms.

Creating a piece of machinery that can work twenty-four seven, lift thousands of pounds and move twice as fast as a human is revolutionary, but it also means that millions of people will inevitably suffer.

As the ancient Greeks so elegantly phrased it, “our glory walks hand-in-hand with our doom.” 


For individuals that happen to work in areas of finance, corporate arenas and cubicle environments, the thought of being replaced almost seems laughable. How can a machine, whose only reference point can be boiled down into a binary series of zeros and ones, define a career and make accurate choices along the way? Are humans less complicated than we give ourselves credit for?

While it is true that there are many things that Artificial intelligence is not yet capable of (and some that it may never be capable of), the truth is that there are very few professions that will be left unscathed by the growing reach of the new wave of intelligent technology. We are already beginning to see the first ripples of  the tidal wave of change that is set to sweep across almost every industry we have.

“Many financial professionals could soon be

Trading places”


One area that has already embraced automation is Wall Street, which has found itself acting more and more as the testing floor for AI development.

It turns out that intelligent algorithms are well suited to the financial industry and have been put to work  making trades within the financial market and outperforming humans. Major news outlets are already reporting that financial giants, such as Merrill Lynch and Goldman Sachs, use machine learning as a means to get ahead of trades in a fraction of the time of their competition.

Speed, specifically when applied to the cut-throat world of trading stocks, bonds and currencies, places you in an advantageous position compared to human-operated firms. This speed has essentially changed the way many organisations look at trading. It was discovered that machines that are able to buy and sell stocks at speeds that were not previously possible, are able to generate their owners millions of dollars as the small profits are skimmed off of multiple trades.

The downside of all this, as will be the pattern, is that those individuals whose livelihood was made in the markets, are slowly being replaced by machine counterparts.

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Earlier this year, European and US scientists have shown that an artificial intelligence called a deep learning convolutional neural network is better at diagnosing skin cancer than 58 dermatologists. The AI was shown over 100,000 scans of malignant melanomas and benign moles.

The neural network was able to outperform the professionals in the research, missing fewer melanomas. It will not be long before these professionals will find themselves using these technologies more and more – patients will demand it.

Tests like this seem to be happening all over the medical world and all with similar results and the changes are not limited to just this sector. Artificial intelligence is set to revolutionize almost every industry, all at different speeds and levels of disruption. Whichever way we look, we see technology making its first ripples of change throughout our industries:

Healthcare, agriculture, customer service, retail, manufacturing, logistics, professional services – there doesn’t seem to be many areas that will be unaffected. How much of this change will benefit individuals in their roles by increasing productivity and effectiveness and how much of it will result in automation and redundancy, is anyone’s guess. 


Many people, including prominent names within the field of technology and entrepreneurship, have mixed outlooks when thinking of the future of artificial intelligence.

The future of our careers, as it seems, is being traded for short-term gratification that turns over profit and reduces production costs, but we fail to see long-term ramifications for this trade-off.

A large proponent against the implementation of AI and robotics is Elon Musk — founder of PayPal, Space X, Tesla and Solar City.

Musk warns of the potential risks that AI brings if it is not properly regulated and is not the only public figure racing concerns.

However, while we do have respected entrepreneurs and theoretical physicists voicing their fears, there are also many scientists working on the front line with these latest deep neural networks who believe these fears are unfounded and the views expressed, unhelpful.

Big dog Preparing today's children for tomorrow.

“It’s no longer a question of ‘if’ your profession will be affected, 

it’s just a question of when…”


“We all have a countdown clock, we just can’t see it”. 









The key to your own future success is through the means of planning, preparation, and specialization in your chosen path. The days of being a “jack of all trades but a master of none,” are, seemingly, coming to an end in the near future.

Instead, readers should be aware of their strengths and pursue a level of sophistication within their profession that cannot be outsourced to a robot or algorithmic repetition. In a general sense, be so good that they can’t replace you.

For instance, areas of social work that pertain to a patient’s feelings, emotional intelligence, psychiatric history and behavioral patterns will flourish in the robotic realm.

Workers that place themselves in a field that avoids small subtasks performed in rapid succession (production lines, fast food, assembly environments, vehicle manufacturing, etc.) will find themselves safe in the years to come.

For instance, areas of social work that pertain to a patient’s feelings, emotional intelligence, psychiatric history and behavioral patterns will flourish in the robotic realm.

In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that job creation within social careers will propel over 16% in the next decade with promising availability and competitive pay.


Careers that tiptoe the gray line of logic and reason will thrive in the years to come. Designers, wellness givers, human resources and physical caretakers seem to withstand the storm of the robotic takeover in our current and future economies.

The underlying component that all of these career paths share is, without a doubt, the element of “humanness” required to perform the tasks at hand. Robots and software cannot replicate the intuition and touch that a human can provide.


Regardless of what the future holds in terms of technological advancements, mankind will always maintain a vastly different skill set than machines and those individuals who are smart enough to plan and invest in their future, will prosper and hold the right to pursue endeavors that provide joy and a level of personal achievement.

For those of you that wish to remain relevant in the future, focus on being profoundly human and becoming talented within your field of expertise.

Although the AI forecast may sound like a doomsday prediction, technology is created by humans just like you and I. When we acknowledge this aspect, we realise that we are not all doomed to an end-of-all-jobs dystopian future  – rather we have the power and responsibility to make our technological future a utopian one.

Remember that while we have built artificial intelligence that is able to beat our greatest champions at our most intellectually challenging games like chess and Go, technology is still struggling to master some of the most basic skills we humans learn as children.


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